


Z. PERSONNEL人事安全 1For supervisory and management level positions, is applicant information? YES?NO (employment history, references, etc.) verified prior to employment? 在雇用前,管理人员是否对核实申请者的资料(如工作 经历,相关证明等) 2 Are background checks performed for prospective employees?有希望被录用的人员是否会实施背景调查?YES?NO Do the background checks and investigations include the following? 背景核实和调查是否包括以下部分 (Select all that apply):选择所有适用的 Criminal Background Check 犯罪背景调查 Financial Background/Credit Report Check财务背景/信用信誉调查 Educational Achievement Check 教育背景调查 Motor Vehicle/Driver History Check 车辆/驾驭员背景调查 Residency/Citizenship Verification Check 地址/公民身份的调查